
GEN 00001
Published On: 12/02/2024

Question: Could you confirm whether Alliant Energy is open to accepting proposed redlines to Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement?

Answer: Any proposed redlines to Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement must be submitted by the Pre-qualification deadline of December 16, 2024. Please use a tracked version of Appendix B, available on the documents page, for markup. All proposed redlines will be reviewed by Alliant Energy, and the RFP manager will provide an update on their status.

GEN 00002
Published On: 12/02/2024

Question: Does Alliant Energy have preferred technical specifications?

Answer: Alliant Energy will offer technical guidance on the RFP Documents page; however, these are provided for reference only and are not mandatory requirements.

GEN 00003
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Is there a bid fee?

Answer: In some cases, a bid fee is required. However, bidders may submit up to three project sites for consideration without a fee. Details are outlined in the RFP documents.

GEN 00004
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Section 4 states, “All proposals to sell a generation facility to Alliant Energy must utilize an existing, proven technology, with demonstrated reliable generation performance that is capable of sustained, predictable operation.” Would a technology currently in the pilot phase, with extensive performance data expected before the proposed commercial operation date, be considered under this RFP?

Answer: Potentially, depending on the technology and the available data. However, Alliant encourages submitting a bid.

GEN 00005
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Would audited financial statements for the last three fiscal years, along with unaudited year-to-date financials, be sufficient to demonstrate financial viability?

Answer: Yes.

GEN 00006
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Is an early-stage company without a credit rating required to provide a corporate guarantee for pre-qualification application evaluation?

Answer: There is no requirement for guarantees at the pre-qualification stage; however, they may be required prior to contracting.

GEN 00007
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Is there a requirement that projects bidding have already received their IA with MISO, or can projects currently in the queue also be considered?

Answer: No, bids at different points in development will be considered in the RFP. Progress towards the in-service date will be taken into account as part of the evaluation process.

GEN 00008
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Is there a preference for specific types of thermal resources, such as SCCT, CCCT, etc.?

Answer: There is no preference at this time. A determination may be made based on the cost, performance of bids, and Alliant's portfolio considerations.

GEN 00009
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Do we need to provide Capex for PPAs? It seems this requirement is only for BOTs; please confirm.

Answer: CAPEX assumptions are required for bids involving Alliant ownership, not for PPAs.

GEN 00010
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Does the intermittent RFP allow for submittal of a Development Transfer?

Answer: Alliant would be interested in bids for development transfers, which involve bids for developmental projects where Alliant executes the EPC phase of development.

GEN 00011
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Are the projects submitted to the Pre-Qualification binding?

Answer: Pre-qualification is non-binding.

GEN 00012
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Do redlines to the confidentiality agreement need to be finalized prior to the 12/20 deadline, or is it acceptable if they are still being worked on by Friday?

Answer: No. NDA redlines may be submitted at a later date.

GEN 00013
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: On credit support, if the respondent is a development company with limited credit history and no audited financials, is a corporate guarantee the only way to qualify?

Answer: Potential bidders are encouraged to submit a re-qualification application. Any credit support would be required during contract negotiations.

GEN 00014
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Does every response to the RFP have to include capacity for the volume offered or is it possible to supply energy only?

Answer: Alliant may consider energy-only or capacity-only offers. However, it is generally expected that respondents will transfer all energy, capacity, renewable energy credits (RECs), and other physical and environmental attributes to Alliant as part of the proposed transaction. If a bid does not transfer all attributes to Alliant, the proposal may be disqualified.

GEN 00015
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Is there any preference for the timing of the COD (start of year, midyear, end of year, etc.)?

Answer: No, Alliant is open to any project or bid that meets the in-service window specified in the RFP documents.

GEN 00016
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: Does Alliant have a preferred PPA term length?

Answer: No. Alliant is open to a range of term lengths.

GEN 00017
Published On: 12/17/2024

Question: If we submit four configurations of the same project, would there be a bid fee for the fourth configuration or would that all count as one project site?

Answer: No, bid fees are generally considered for separate project sites. In some cases, depending on the nature of the configurations, some bids at the same site may be considered separate bids. However, in most cases, bidders are free to offer different permutations of projects at a given site without incurring additional fees.

GEN 00018
Published On: 12/23/2024

Question: Would Alliant consider a project to be sited at one of its existing generation facilities?

Answer: No - there isn’t enough time in the RFP process to accommodate the coordination needed for this kind of siting.

GEN 00019
Published On: 12/23/2024

Question: Resources in MISO Local Resource Zones (“LRZ”) 2 and 3 are preferred, but competitive resources delivering capacity in MISO LRZ1, LRZ4, or LRZ5 may also be considered if sufficient transmission capability is expected to deliver capacity to MISO LRZ2 or LRZ3 over the contracted term of the resource. How can bidders determine if a project in LRZ4 or LRZ5 meets this requirement?

Answer: Bidders should consult with their own subject matter experts on this topic to describe to Alliant Energy how the proposal can help Alliant Energy meet its capacity obligations and manage capacity price risk. Additional background related to the MISO Planning Resource Auction (PRA) is provided below. MISO’s Planning Resource Auction clears considering Local Clearing Requirements (LCR) at the zonal level, and the MISO footprint-wide Planning Reserve Margin Requirement (PRMR) (among other considerations). Alliant Energy can utilize Network Resource Interconnection Service (NRIS) resources outside of Zones 2 and 3 as a hedge to satisfy its PRMR but not its LCR. Alliant Energy cannot utilize Energy Resource Interconnection Service (ERIS) capacity for resources outside of Zones 2 and 3 without an approved Transmission Service Request (TSR). The effectiveness of the hedge is impacted by zonal price separation between Alliant Energy’s load and the Bidder’s resource. Zonal Capacity Import Limits (CIL) and Capacity Export Limits (CEL) can impact Zonal price separation, and these zonal CIL/CEL values change each year. Alliant Energy is looking for bidders to provide information to describe such hedging risks. For example: - Is the resource NRIS or ERIS? If ERIS, will the bidder secure long-term TSR so Alliant Energy can utilize capacity, and at what cost? - Is the bidder aware of long-term CIL/CEL challenges and opportunities as flagged by MISO in areas such as the Loss of Load Expectation Working Group? - Is the bidder proposing other methods of hedge management?

GEN 00020
Published On: 12/23/2024

Question: Is there a minimum resource size (MW)?

Answer: Bidders can consider 25 MW nameplate as a minimum size. Distribution interconnected projects are not considered as part of RFP 1 and RFP 2.

GEN 00021
Published On: 12/26/2024

Question: Can you provide more detail regarding the ability for bidders to submit development transfer proposals? At what stage of development would Alliant seek to acquire the projects? Does Alliant have forms of contract for bidders to redline? What additional information should bidders submit if proposing a development transfer structure?

Answer: Alliant prefers BTA projects, but will consider EPC/APA projects. There is a preference for a notice to proceed date with EPC/APA projects and a COD or after date for BTA projects. Alliant does not have redlines, but please see key terms.

GEN 00022
Published On: 12/26/2024

Question: Could you confirm whether a thermal generation facility (operating or new development) in zones 8-10 would qualify for this RFP?

Answer: No, MISO LRZ 8-10 projects are not being considered. There is a preference for MISO LRZ 2 and 3 projects with consideration open to projects with delivery capacity to MISO LRZ 1, 4, and 5.

GEN 00023
Published On: 12/26/2024

Question: Could you please clarify if submitting a project site with multiple different contract types (PPA & APA) will count as a single proposal for the purpose of calculating evaluation fees?

Answer: No. Bid fees are generally considered for separate project sites.

GEN 00024
Published On: 12/26/2024

Question: Are MISO LRZ Zone 6 Projects being considered as part of Alliant's RFP?

Answer: No, MISO LRZ 6 projects are not being considered. There is a preference for MISO LRZ 2 and 3 projects with consideration open to projects with delivery capacity to MISO LRZ 1, 4, and 5.